Some TV airings actually cut out most of it. There's a particular demographic who's had the song " Whammer Jammer" permanently ruined for them by the Crazy Dance sequence.It's something of a "chicken or egg" issue, as he's been neglected and abused his entire life, but was also shown to be a bad-ass little brat even since infancy. This especially makes the scene where he fills Junior's room with clowns hilarious. Hilarious in Hindsight: The very same year saw John Ritter playing another character named Ben in It (1990).Fanon Discontinuity: Just like all Home Alone movies after the second, fans often don't count Problem Child 3.Luckily, the world of Problem Child is practically a cartoon with a Crapsack World coating, so that makes his behavior more this trope.īig Ben: You don't know what you're letting yourself in for! For all you know, his parents may have met in the looney bin! They might even be Democrats! Crosses the Line Twice: In reality, someone who does the cruel things Junior does would be a little horrifying.This film was one of the most critically hated of the 80's/90's, but managed to be a big hit at the box office, beating out Disney's DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp (which was critically loved) and starting the "smart child" trend in the early 90's. Critical Dissonance: A textbook example in cinema.
Critic-Proof: This became a major hit for MCA/Universal and beat the DuckTales movie from Disney despite Problem Child getting trashed by critics (it has a rare 0% on Rotten Tomatoes DuckTales is in the 80's).But after it happens, it's never brought up again. The scene doesn't serve any real purpose beyond Nausea Fuel and the Fridge Horror repercussions of the scene are huge.

Big-Lipped Alligator Moment: The Crazy Dance scene in Problem Child 2.After watching the scene where Ben harshly reprimands Junior for the cockroach incident and coldly ends his trust with him, you cannot decide whether Junior deserved the talking to and that Ben's blindness was perfectly justified or Ben was just being a total Jerkass for not believing his own son. Taken to another extreme in Problem Child 2, particularly the Cassandra Truth scenario in which Junior sees Rich Bitch Lawanda Dumore for what she really is and tries to warn his dad who doesn't believe him due to Junior driving his previous dates away. Doesn't help that 95% of Junior's victims are Asshole Victims while the 5% is poor Ben caught in the crossfire. Base-Breaking Character: Junior himself is one, for you honestly cannot decide whether he's just a troubled, misunderstood soul who just wants to be loved or an all-around Jerkass who just lives to cause trouble.Awesome Music: The end title song "Problem Child." Bonus awesome points for being performed by The Beach Boys.
Please feel free to look around and post the harp tabs you have or request ones you are looking for. If you want to brush up on your harmonica skills you can check out Luke's Harmonica Lessons It will show the notes for a song with numbers representing each hole on the harmonica. Our goal is to have a website where everyone can find and share all of their Harmonica Tabs in one central location.įor anyone who doesn't know what a tab is, a tab is like sheet music for someone who can not read sheet music.