Yamamoto fails to make her repulsive lead in the least bit likable and suffers because of that, while the excellent Eric Tsang is underused as the mob boss, appearing in all of three short scenes. Kaneshiro is a good actor, but his character isn't given a great deal to do here and comes across as a little staid. Small Town Killers Edward and Both tradesmen Ib are tired of these unions and fantasy of living the fantastic life theyve earned moonlighting for years. I found the last scene to be overlong and devoid of the badly needed emotion it sought to generate, but at least something's going on, unlike in the middle section. His domain is in Kabukicho, a gangland controlled by various Shanghai gangs intent on taking control. You can sell him anything except children's organs. Kenichi is a half-Japanese, half-Chinese man of the underworld. Then things pick up in the last half hour, with lots of action and shoot-outs and more twists and turns than in five regular Hollywood movies. Sleepless Town (1998) Takeshi Kaneshiro, Mirai Yamamoto, Kippei Shiina, Sihung Lung, Eric Tsang. The pacing slows down to a snail's crawl while this romance is explored, and the filmmakers do attempt to generate some suspense by keeping their character motivations murky, but it doesn't work very well. For the next hour we're treated to a lifeless romance with one of the most worthless female characters I've seen in a film. Unfortunately, Kaneshiro's character then meets a girl, and the whole film falls flat. The first half hour follows this type of plot with some stylish direction and another solid performance from Takeshi Kaneshiro, who once again delivers a 'quiet but cool' type character with emotions bubbling just under the surface. This Hong Kong/Japan co-production starts out as a traditional gangster thriller, as we meet our youthful hero and find himself caught between opposing sides: a violent criminal gang from Shanghai, who frequently employ torture and murder as their methods, and a lone gunman with psychotic tendencies.

Reviewed by Leofwine_draca 4 / 10 Promising crime drama let down by a boring romance Meanwhile, Fu-Chun's girlfriend, Natsumi Sato turns up to sell something to Kenichi.-Lester Mak Yuan wants to get even and attempts to do so by using Kenichi. Things are calm, however, his former partner-in-crime, Fu-Chun, is rumored to have returned to Kabukicho, having fled years earlier after killing the number two to gangland boss, Yuan. His domain is in Kabukicho, a gangland controlled by various Shanghainese gangs intent on taking overall control.